How to fill a complaint

According to IVASS measure no. 46, 03/05/2016, the Broker has the task to apply Rule no. 24 regarding the Complaint Management procedures.

This legislation has given all the intermediaries registered under Section B in the RUI ("Registro Unico Intermediari", the intermediaries unified register) the task to manage complaints about their own behaviour, or their employees and collaborators'.

In this page you can download a .pdf document, which includes:

  • all the details regarding the complaint procedures;
  • the instructions on how to fill a complaint;
  • the complaint form;
  • the methods to submit the complaint.

The complaint can be submitted as such:

  • by ordinary or registered mail, to: 3 Capital S.r.l., Via Giuseppe Prina 15, 20154 Milan (MI), Italy
  • by electronic mail to
  • by certified email to (available only to Italian residents)

The complaint management is an internally managed procedure. Within 45 days of receiving the complaint, a written confirmation will be sent to the sender..

If the policy holder, the insured, the beneficiary or the injured party is not satisfied with the outcome of the complaint, or in the absence of feedback within the legal deadline (45 days from receiving the complaint) by the intermediary or the brokerage firm, they can directly contact IVASS, the Insurance Intermediaries Supervision Service, headquartered in Via del Quirinale 21, 00187 Rome, Italy (fax: +39 06 42133206; Certified Email (Italy only):; website:, attaching all the documentation related to the complaint processed by the intermediary or by the designated company. The information note includes the procedure for filing complaints in case of free collaboration relationships, according to Article 22, paragraph 10, of the Italian Legislative Decree 179/2012 converted into Law 221/2012.

3 Capital remains available to solve any further doubts regarding to the aforementioned procedure.