3 Capital


Professional and independent, 3 Capital is your ideal partner in providing the rights tools to for asset protection, ensuring the highest professionalism and a solid reputation of its counterparties.

Our goal is to offer innovative solutions and a fully independent insurance brokerage service to clients interested in Private Insurance solutions, offering the right insurance and re-insurance products, and providing customised assistance and advice.

Our role takes place in three distinct moments:

  • Client needs analysis: meeting with the client and understanding their specific needs, comparative evaluation of the several insurance companies and identification of the solution that best meets the identified needs, considering the different jurisdictions and all tax implications;
  • Presentation and proposal of the insurance contract: presenting the documents and studying the technical aspects of the contract and its annexes, signing of the contract, delivering to the client a copy of the signed documents;
  • Management and execution of the contracts: back-office and customer service activities, assistance regarding new additional payments, partial or total surrender, change of asset manager or custodian bank.

We also aim to become the market leader for professionals and clients, by always guaranteeing:

  • Professionalism
  • Competence
  • Confidentiality
  • Safety
  • Independence

The Partners